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Host(s): Matt Baird
Guest(s): Board Candidates

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ATA will hold its regularly scheduled elections at the upcoming ATA 64th Annual Conference in Miami, Florida (October 25-28, 2023) to elect a president-elect, secretary, and treasurer for a two-year term, as well as three directors for a three-year term.   In this podcast, each candidate gets a chance to introduce themselves. Listen to learn:
  • Where they are based and what kind of translation/interpreting do they do.
  • When they joined ATA and why.
  • Why they are running for ATA office.
  • What is an area of ATA where they feel they can have the most impact if elected?
  The slate of candidates for the 2023 elections are: President-elect: Geoff Koby, Meghan McCallum | Treasurer - Robin Bonthrone, Marian S. Greenfield | Secretary - Eve Bodeux, Jaime Russell | Director - Yasmin Alkashef, Analía Bogdan, Jessie Liu, Daniel Sebesta, Robert Sette, Chaowei Zhu

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Production Credits
Audio Production: Derek Platts | Technical Support: Trenton Morgan
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